Sam's WELL on his way

The WELL Team were contacted a few weeks back from an NICS colleague who attended a WELL Roadshow.  This is Sam’s story...

“Having had a few health issues (overweight, moderately high blood pressure, lack of fitness.......etc, etc) which I had managed to talk myself into ignoring for a number of years, the WELL team came to my office last autumn.

Quite why, I don’t know, but I booked an appointment.  The friendly folks weighed me, measured me, took my blood pressure and carried out some blood tests.  The results weren’t particularly surprising.

Overweight – check.

High body mass index – check.

Blood pressure slightly high – check.

Cholesterol slightly high– check.

Blood sugar sky high – WHAT??!!!

They advised me to have the blood sugar test taken again in a couple of hours - just in case I had recently eaten something sugary, which I had.  Yet again, the reading was virtually off the scale.  So there I was, sent off with strong advice to see my GP, so that I could be checked for diabetes.

What did I do? I procrastinated for six weeks. With a father and uncle who were both diagnosed as diabetics later in life, I eventually decided that I should follow the WELL Team’s recommendation.

And a good recommendation it was. Blood tests were taken at my local health centre.  Not surprisingly, my GP later phoned to tell me that I have type 2 diabetes. While not totally surprised, I sat up and paid attention.

That was some weeks ago and it is early stages yet.  However, I have been kicked into major changes, which should have been taken long ago.  I have radically altered my diet and lost some weight, but I have a long way to go on that front.  I have also become an exercise freak...maybe that term is a slight exaggeration, as I was the ultimate couch potato!  I have been going to the gym pretty regularly and, very surprisingly, enjoying it.  I also have a series of sessions to attend with health service experts who are advising me on a sensible lifestyle.

I am very grateful to WELL for their caring interest in me.  It’s strange to say it, but I think what has happened has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  For the first time, I am really determined to see this thing through and maybe, just maybe, you’ll see a new sleeker, more energetic Sam in your office shortly.”