Cold weather can make some health problems worse and even lead to serious complications, especially if you are 65 or older, or if you have a long-term health condition.
Some people are more vulnerable to the effects of cold weather. This includes:
If you are 65 or over, or in one of the other at-risk groups, see a pharmacist as soon as you feel unwell, even if it's just a cough or a cold.
Pharmacists can give you treatment advice for a range of minor illnesses. They will also tell you if you need to see a doctor.
The sooner you get advice, the sooner you are likely to get better.
If you need medical advice when a pharmacy is closed, call: 111 or go to
Flu can lead to serious illnesses, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, and even death in vulnerable people. You are more at risk if you are older, have a long-term condition, or are pregnant.
Make sure you get your free flu jab if:
Ask for the flu jab at your GP surgery or at a local pharmacy.
Some children and some carers can also get a free flu jab. Find out more about the flu vaccine, including who should have it.
If you're 65 or over, you are also eligible for the pneumococcal vaccine, which will help protect you from pneumonia.
Follow these tips to keep you and your family warm and well at home:
You may be able to claim financial and practical help with heating your home. Grants available include the Winter Fuel Payment and the Cold Weather Payment.
For more information on how to reduce your bills and make your home more energy efficient, go to the government's Simple Energy Advice website, or call the Simple Energy Advice helpline on 0800 444 202.
You can also find advice in the section on financial help to heat your home in the Keep Warm, Keep Well leaflet (PDF, 431KB) .
It's worth claiming all the benefits you're entitled to as soon as winter begins.
Check on older neighbours and relatives, and those with heart or breathing (respiratory) problems, to make sure they:
If you're worried about a relative or elderly neighbour, contact your local council or call the Age UK helpline on 0800 678 1602 (8am to 7pm every day).
If you're concerned that the person may be suffering from hypothermia, contact NHS 111.
Get more advice in these leaflets on keeping warm and well.
You can also get:
Page last reviewed: Fri Nov 2019 Next review due: Tue Nov 2022