"'Baby brain' is a stereotype and all in the mind,
the Mail Online reports.
The headline is prompted by a US study that aimed to see if "baby brain" (aka "mumnesia") – alleged memory lapses and problems with concentration during pregnancy – is a real phenomenon or just a myth.
The study recruited 21 women in the third trimester of pregnancy. A second group of 21 women who had never been pregnant were recruited to act as a control. The women completed a variety of tests to measure their memory, attention and problem solving ability. The tests were repeated several months later and the two groups compared.
Though the pregnant women reported greater memory difficulties, there were no differences in the results of the tests between the two groups.
The researchers say this shows that pregnancy and childbirth do not affect the ability to "think straight". However, we do not know what the level of performance would have been for the pregnant women before they were pregnant. It is also possible that the small numbers of women in each group could have affected the results. The findings could be completely different with a different sample of women.
This study does not provide conclusive evidence that pregnancy has no effect on memory and attention.
Seeing that pregnancy can often cause tiredness, it would be surprising if some women didn’t have temporary problems with memory and concentration.
The study was carried out by researchers from Brigham Young University in Utah. It was funded by the Brigham Young University College of Family, Home and Social Sciences, and the Women’s Research Institute at Brigham Young University.
The study was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.
The Mail Online reported the story reasonably accurately, but did not explain the major limitation of the study's design – that it does not take into account the memory and problem solving abilities of the women before they became pregnant.
This was a case-controlled study that aimed to see if cognitive ability (memory and problem solving) changed in pregnancy and after childbirth. Previous research has found mixed results, with some studies indicating improved cognitive abilities during pregnancy and some showing a reduction or no difference.
This type of study can show associations, but cannot prove that any cognitive differences are due to the pregnancy, as other factors could cause the results.
The researchers recruited 21 pregnant women and a control group of 21 healthy women who had never been pregnant. The women completed a variety of tests to measure their cognitive ability. The tests were repeated several months later and the two groups compared.
The women were given 10 neuropsychological tests, which measured their memory, attention, language, executive abilities (such as problem solving) and visuospatial skills (the ability to process and interpret visual information about where objects are). They also filled out questionnaires to assess their mood, and levels of anxiety, quality of life, enjoyment and satisfaction.
Each test was conducted when the pregnant women were in their third trimester and repeated between three and six months after giving birth. The non-pregnant women were also tested twice, with a similar time gap between the tests.
Women were excluded from the study if they had a history of:
The results were then analysed during and after pregnancy, and compared to the controls. Further analysis was performed in the pregnancy group, comparing women in their first pregnancy with women who had previously given birth.
The pregnant women were older, on average, with a mean age of 25, compared to 22 for the control group. 11 of the pregnant women and nine of the controls were students.
The main results were:
Pregnant women reported a lower quality of life and were more likely to have depressive symptoms compared to controls. The results were as follows:
There were no differences between women in their first pregnancy compared to women who had previously given birth.
The researchers say their "findings suggest no specific cognitive differences between pregnant/postpartum women and never-pregnant controls". This was despite the pregnant/postpartum women reporting more memory difficulties.
The researchers conclude that although the pregnant women reported memory problems, these did not show up on their tests. However, this does not take into account their pre-pregnancy ability. The women may have performed better before they got pregnant, which is why they are now reporting memory problems. None of these women were tested before they got pregnant, which is the major limitation of the study.
The researchers say that because there were a similar number of students in each group, the women in the control group was a good enough representation of how the pregnant women would have performed pre-pregnancy. However, there will be a wide variation between cognitive abilities, even between different students. There is no information about cognitive abilities, other than the length of time each group were in education. This was an average of 16 years for the pregnancy group, compared to 15 for the control group. The range was the same for each group, at 13 to 18 years.
The other limitation of the study is the small number of women in each group, which limits the strength of the results and makes it more likely that they could occur by chance. A different or larger sample of women could give completely different results.
It is unclear why the pregnant women were slower at the Trail Making Test Part A compared to the controls, but not with Part B. It is likely that the small sample size contributed to this anomaly.
The study highlights the importance of recognising low mood and symptoms of depression in pregnant women and in the months after giving birth. Read more about low mood and depression during pregnancy, and low mood and depression after pregnancy.
In conclusion, this study does not provide conclusive evidence that pregnancy has no effect on memory and attention.
Pregnancy can cause tiredness and fatigue, particularly during the first trimester, and looking after a newborn baby can be exhausting work. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel surprised if you do have the occasional memory lapse or loss of concentration. Dads may not be immune to "baby brain" after the baby is born, either.