“Herbal remedies taken by millions of Britons can pose a serious risk to their health by interfering with medicines commonly prescribed for heart disease,” reported The Times . The newspaper story is based on a review of the available evidence on the potential harms and interactions of herbal products for people who have heart disease.
As the newspaper points out, it is already known that some complementary medicines can lessen the effectiveness of drugs. However, by restating the case and carrying out this review, these researchers are trying to alert those most at risk from these interactions. As this was not a systematic review, it is not possible to say how harmful these remedies are or estimate how often these adverse effects occur.
Anybody considering taking complementary or alternative medicine alongside their own prescribed medication is advised to discuss this with a doctor, nurse or pharmacist first.
This research was carried out In the US by Dr Ara Tachjian and colleagues from the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at the Mayo Clinics in Rochester, Minnesota and Scottsdale, Arizona. The researchers were funded in part with grants from the National Institute on Aging, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, a Mayo Clinic Marriott Mitochondrial Medicine Award, and the Angel and Paul Harvey Cardiovascular Research Endowment. The study was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American College of Cardiology .
The Times and The Daily Telegraph covered this story, with both newspapers providing balanced reports of the science and its implications.
In this literature review, the researchers systematically searched for all published research into the potential harms and interactions of herbal products for people with heart disease.
The review paper gives a detailed description of their research and catalogues the adverse effects of more than 16 herbal remedies found through the literature search. As this is a narrative non-systematic review, and did not quantify the potential harms or how many people are affected, it is not possible to say how harmful these remedies are or estimate how often these adverse effects occur.
The researchers used scientific databases (PubMed and Medline) to search for research published between 1966 and 2008 containing the terms: cardiovascular agents, complementary therapies, herb-drug interaction and cardiovascular disease interactions. They do not describe how many articles were found or the criteria used to select them.
They catalogue an extensive list of herbs that either have direct effects on the vascular system or that should be avoided because they interfere with commonly prescribed medication. They then describe the uses for common herbal remedies in the list, for example:
The list of herbal medicines examined also includes grapefruit juice, hawthorn, saw palmetto, danshen, tetrandrine, aconite, yohimbine, gynura, licorice, and black cohosh.
The researchers also look at the effectiveness of these medicines in treating the conditions mentioned. They say, for example, that recent randomised trials of ginkgo biloba showed no difference in cognitive impairment measures when the herb was compared to placebo. They highlight St John’s wort because of the potential for serious adverse reactions due to its effect on drug metabolism.
St John’s wort
The researchers say that this herb is a particular concern because it can cause an increased metabolism of “more than 50% of all prescription medications”. They list 11 classes of drug that are affected by this faster metabolism and could therefore be made less effective by St John’s wort.
Ginkgo biloba
Several cases of bleeding have been reported when this herb was taken at the same time as antiplatelet, anticoagulant, or antithrombotic agents such as warfarin or aspirin.
Although garlic is thought to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure, this has not confirmed. The researchers say the active ingredient, ajoene, can directly affect platelets (cells in the blood that help with clotting). They say that garlic supplements should not be taken with anti-clotting medication and should be discontinued about 10 days before surgery, especially by patients taking aspirin or warfarin.
The researchers list the problems relating to the use of herbal products as:
They call for:
The researchers conclude that the principles and standards of evidence for safety and efficacy of drugs used in conventional medicine should also apply to herbal and other complementary and alternative medicine products.
This review has looked at a serious topic using acceptable methods. There are several difficulties due to the fact they found little good quality research on the topic:
Many people have a false sense of security about these herbal products because they are seen as natural. But natural does not always mean safe. Anybody considering taking complementary or alternative medicine alongside their own prescribed medication are advised to discuss this with a doctor, nurse or pharmacist first.