"'Shocking' treatment in NHS hospitals and care homes exposed in report," The Guardian reports, while the Daily Mail says that a "Damning report reveals failings in NHS care of patients 'treated worse than animals'."
The news comes from a new charity report that highlights cases where people have had serious concerns about their NHS care.
The fourth annual "Patient Stories" report was produced by the Patients Association, a charity that advocates "greater and equitable access to high quality, accurate and independent information for patients, for greater and equitable access to high quality care and for involvement in decision making as a right."
The Patient Stories report highlights the stories of 12 patients – or their family or carers – who have received unacceptable care from the NHS. These include:
The foreword to the report, written by the Patients Association's helpline manager, says: "It is easy to read these accounts and dismiss them as 13 isolated instances of poor care, but this is the fourth consecutive year that we have published Patient Stories."
It goes on: "Just by examining these examples which are highlighted here, it is clear to see that there is a problem and it would be negligent for us to ignore the information that we have."
The report also includes responses from some of the NHS organisations involved.
If you feel you need to complain about an NHS service, you should do so as soon as possible. If you are receiving unsatisfactory care or do not understand the situation, it is worth asking the health professionals involved in your care to explain.
Formal complaints can be made via your local primary care trust. Read more about the NHS complaints system.
The complaints process can help improve care. However, you can also rate your local NHS services, such as hospitals and GP practices, on the NHS Choices website.
If you are a member of NHS or social care staff, you can call the free NHS whistleblowing helpline on 08000 724 725.