People “can be obese yet physically healthy and fit and at no greater risk of heart disease or cancer”, according to BBC News.
This counterintuitive headline stems from a study that was assessing health outcomes for people who were obese but relatively fit, with only one or no risk factors for “metabolic syndrome”. Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when people have multiple risk factors, such as high blood pressure, that make them more prone to diabetes or cardiovascular disease (CVDs).
Researchers found that the “metabolic healthy” obese group were significantly less likely to develop a CVD or cancer, or die as a result, than people who were similarly obese but were judged to be “metabolic unhealthy”. In fact the risks of CVDs and cancers in the “metabolic healthy but obese” group were broadly similar to people with a healthy weight.
However, the research should not be interpreted to mean that being obese is healthy. Waist circumference size is also a risk factor for CVDs, so ideally you should be aiming to have a circumference of less than 94cm (37in) if you’re a man and less than 80cm (31.5in) if you’re a woman.
The research actually tells us very little that is useful in how fitness levels can affect CVD and cancer risk and whether it is possible to be both "fat and fit".
The main implication of the research is that factors other than weight need to be taken in account when assessing these types of health risks.
The study was carried out by researchers from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, the University of Granada, Spain and the University of South Carolina, USA. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation and the Coca-Cola Company (the funding from Coca-Cola was given as an unrestricted grant; in other words “no strings attached”).
The study was published in the peer-reviewed European Heart Journal.
The media reflected the study findings accurately, but the newspaper headlines should not be interpreted to mean that being obese is healthy. A relevant health message that could have been added is that regular exercise can benefit you even if you remain overweight or obese despite your best efforts to lose weight.
This was a cohort study aiming to look at the health of obese individuals who are metabolically healthy and without additional risk factors for CVDs. These were described by the researchers as people with “uncomplicated obesity”.
The researchers said that there is uncertainty over the extent to which metabolic health in obese people can influence the risk of CVDs and overall mortality. This is what they aimed to examine.
They decided to examine two theories:
In this study, fitness (according to a treadmill test), obesity and metabolic risk factors all appear to have been measured at one point at the start of the study.
But it is difficult to tell how representative this one-off treadmill test is of the overall fitness level of an obese person, particularly as we don’t know how long the person has been obese for.
Measurements on obesity and metabolic health appear to be more reliable than those on fitness.
This was an analysis of the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study (ACLS) which recruited predominantly white professional individuals between 1979 and 2003.
At the time of recruitment a number of assessements were carried out, including:
They also performed an exercise treadmill test where they were asked to walk or jog slowly on a treadmill that increases its incline gradually. The test is then ended when the participants feel that they no longer have the stamina to continue (this type of test is known as the Balke treadmill protocol).
A person was defined as metabolically healthy if they met none or only one of the following criteria:
In addition, people with normal blood pressure or fasting blood sugar at the examination, but who reported a history of previously diagnosed high blood pressure or diabetes, were also classed as having these metabolic risk factors.
Participants were followed from recruitment to the end of 2003. Information on mortality came from the National Death Index. Data on non-fatal cardiovascular disease events came from the responses to health surveys in 1982, 1999 and 2004. There was said to be a 65% response rate across surveys.
Eligible participants had no history of cardiovascular disease or cancer at study start (baseline); had complete baseline data on body composition, metabolic risk factors and fitness and completed at least one year of follow-up for health and mortality outcomes.
A total 43,265 participants were included in the study (average age 44), a quarter of whom were women.
Of these:
Measuring body fat as opposed to BMI is thought to be a more precise (if time-consuming) method of judging whether a person is overweight or obese.
Within the obese participants, 30% were “metabolically healthy” using BMI-based obesity criteria, and 46% were “metabolically healthy” using body fat percentage criteria.
The average follow-up period was said to be 14 years for mortality and eight years for non-fatal cardiovascular disease.
The main findings were:
The researchers concluded that metabolically healthy obese individuals have better fitness than their metabolically unhealthy obese counterparts. They also have a better prognosis in terms of mortality and disease risk.
This was an impressive study that benefited from a large sample size, its thorough assessments of medical health and fitness at the study’s start and long duration of follow-up.
It found that metabolic health is a predicator of overall health and fitness in obese people. This does not mean that being obese is healthy.
The study did have a number of limitations:
Overall, the research plausibly suggests that people who are obese but have no other cardiovascular risk factors may be at lower risk of future diseases compared with obese people who have additional cardiovascular risk factors.
However, the research should not be interpreted to mean that being obese is healthy.
A more valid interpretation of these findings, as the authors said, is that it suggests that accurate assessments of body fat percentage and fitness may contribute to the overall assessment of an obese individual.