News sources reported that keeping a healthy weight may help people to live longer by limiting brain exposure to insulin. The stories were based on research in mice which found that those with reduced brain insulin lived longer.
The study was not directly set up to look at the link between weight or diet on lifespan. In light of this and the fact that the study is in mice, this interpretation for human health may be premature.
Researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts conducted the research behind these news stories. The study was published in the peer-reviewed medical journal, Science .
This was an animal study involving mice with a particular mutation which meant they had reduced insulin either in their brains only or in all their tissues. These mice were maintained on a high-energy (high calorie) diet.
The researchers assessed the effects of a mutation in mice (which meant they used less insulin in the brain) on their life span, glucose tolerance, fat and carbohydrate oxidation, and on chemicals in the brain that protect against oxidative stress. They compared these characteristics against normal mice (mice without the mutation that affected their insulin use).
The researchers found that mice that used less insulin in the brain lived on average 17% longer than normal mice.
Among the researchers’ conclusions is the finding that reducing insulin in the brain increases the lifespan of mice maintained on a high-energy diet by about five months. They report that "by directly decreasing the use of insulin in the brain, an ageing brain can be shielded from the negative effects of high levels of insulin that ordinarily develop with overweight and advancing age".
The research appears to have been well conducted and certainly generates some interesting findings.