
National Eye Health Week

20Sep 26Sep

Awareness Week

National Eye Health Week (NEHW) takes place on the 20th -26th September 2021. On NEHW week healthcare professionals join forces to encourage more people to have regular sight tests and make lifestyle choices that benefit their vision and general well-being. 

Currently 2 million people in the UK live with sight loss that impacts their daily lives. However, half of this sight loss is avoidable with regular sight tests and making healthy lifestyle choices such as eating well, not smoking and wearing eye protection in bright sunlight. 

NEHW therefore raises awareness of how we can improve the UK's eye health, contribute towards a reduction in avoidable blindness and enhance people's everyday lives.

This campaign encourages people to book their regular eye test if they have not done so in the past 2 years, as well as raising awareness through talking to friends, family and colleagues. 

Many informative resources are available online, including eye health calculators, podcasts and sight loss simulators.

To find out more click here.