Advice for new parents

Babies with Down's syndrome are like any newborn babies.

They'll be eating, sleeping, crying, and needing love and cuddles just like all babies.

Some babies with Down's syndrome might need extra help. This could be with things like feeding.

There's support available for whatever you or your baby needs.

What life will be like

No one can tell you what life will be like for your child. This is the same for children who do not have Down's syndrome.

Children with Down's syndrome will have some level of learning disability – it's not possible to know how this will affect them.

Like any child they'll:

  • have their own personality
  • learn at their own pace
  • have things that are important and unique to them

Try not to think too far ahead and enjoy time with your baby.

Where you can get support

It might help to speak to other parents, families and charities who know how you're feeling.

Down's Syndrome Association

For people with Down's syndrome, their parents and carers.

They have:

National Portage Association

For families with pre-school children with additional needs.

Page last reviewed: Fri Oct 2022 Next review due: Wed Feb 2020

NHS Attribution